欢迎访问临沂天勤塑业有限公司官方网站!我司自主生产:粘尘垫、粘尘滚筒、PE保护膜、自粘膜、粘尘纸本、粘尘纸卷和PE背心,欢迎来电洽谈! 中文 | | English

can be guaranteed for a long time.

点击次数:  更新时间:18/09/07 09:53:09 来源:关闭
分    享:
1, feel comfortable when using, roller wheels rotate freely.
2, the formula ensures that the product is highly sticky and durable, and it is not easy to be aged.
3. It can remove tiny contaminants and recycle them with sticky paper.
Product characteristics: manual dust removal wheel, cleaning roller, dust sticking wheel, dust removal roller, anti-static roller is a self-adhesive dust removal product, which can quickly remove micro particles, impurities, fibers, copper scraps, dust and so on from the production process of various electronic products, thereby improving the yield of electronic products. With the recycling of sticky paper, the self adhesion of the rubber wheel 


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