欢迎访问临沂天勤塑业有限公司官方网站!我司自主生产:粘尘垫、粘尘滚筒、PE保护膜、自粘膜、粘尘纸本、粘尘纸卷和PE背心,欢迎来电洽谈! 中文 | | English

PVC protective film

点击次数:  更新时间:18/09/07 09:53:09 来源:关闭
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There are many kinds of materials for common injection molded parts, such as PE, PVC, pet and so on. Each of them has its own merits and demerits. Let's analyze them one by one.
PE protective film
PE material is soft. But there is no pet in scratch prevention. And temperature resistance can not catch up with PVC. The advantage is that the personal performance parameters are relatively stable, environmentally friendly and non-toxic, and can be used safely. If you do not have special requirements, then the PE protective film can completely meet you, and co-extrusion production process of PE electrostatic film without adhesive self-adhesive, easy to use viscosity stability.



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